Wat doe je als architect wanneer je vak lijkt te zijn afgeschaft en je weleens wilt weten wat er deugt van wat je hebt gebouwd?

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Marlies Rohmer, Dobbelmanterrein, Nijmegen, woningbouw, ateliers, metselwerk, zorg, serre, groen, schoorstenen, ontmoeten, plein, inspraak, CPO


has multiple


Marlies Rohmer WHTMB
Marlies Rohmer WHTMB

Leuk bedacht

vanachter de tekentafel

It probably all looked very nice

on the drawing board

Marlies Rohmer WHTMB
Marlies Rohmer WHTMB
Marlies Rohmer WHTMB

Trial and error plays an important role

within the process of designing.

This includes failures.

We can learn from our mistakes

it makes one less vulnerable

Marlies Rohmer WHTMB
Marlies Rohmer WHTMB
Marlies Rohmer WHTMB

People only wash

the windows

of buildings

Marlies Rohmer WHTMB
Marlies Rohmer WHTMB
Marlies Rohmer WHTMB

The continuous

story of architecture

Marlies Rohmer WHTMB

making quality

costs money

but not making quality

costs a fortune

Marlies Rohmer, Vlissingen, de Combinatie, basisonderwijs, sport, NOC NSF, tribunetrap, aluminium, sculptuur, werkplekken, glijbaan, touwbrug, rond
Marlies Rohmer WHTMB
Marlies Rohmer WHTMB
Marlies Rohmer WHTMB
Marlies Rohmer WHTMB
Marlies Rohmer WHTMB
Marlies Rohmer WHTMB
Marlies Rohmer WHTMB